Children's Vision FAQs

  1.   At what age should children be examined?
  2.   How do I prepare my child for their first eye examination?
  3.   How often should I have my child's eye checked?


  1.   At what age should children be examined?
  A.   Children should have their first routine eye examination at 6-months of age. If there is a family history of unusual eye problems or if you suspect an eye problem, you may want to have your child examined sooner.
     Just a few of the many possible signs of a vision problems include:
  1. a turned or crossed eye
  2. a whitish area within the pupil of the eye
  3. the inability to track or follow your movements by 3 to 4 months of age.
     If you notice any of these signs, please contact us to schedule an appointment.
     A lazy eye or crossed eyes can often, but not always, have glasses prescribed to improve the vision. Eye exercises and patching may be used in conjunction with the glasses to facilitate growth and development. In children, the vision system is developing and thus it is critical to catch these problems as early as possible.
     Similar to adults, children may also have eye health problems such as glaucoma, cataracts and diabetes. If these diseases are not detected early, then blindness may occur.
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  2.   How do I prepare my child for their first eye examination?
  A.   Let your child know, ahead of the appointment time, that they will be having their eyes examined. Inform them that the doctor will have them look at different pictures and they may be wearing "goofy" glasses during the various tests.
     Explain that eye doctors use special lights to look at their eyes, but it does not mean that they are necessarily getting glasses. If two children are being checked, it is great for the older sibling, to go first. We will always try our best to make their first eye examination a happy experience!
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  3.   How often should I have my child's eye checked?
  A.   School age children should also have their eyes examined on an annual basis. Because a change in vision can occur without you or your child realizing it, have your child's eyes examined every year. If your child has a lazy eye or other eye problems, then the exams are customized to their individual needs.
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