Welcome to Waterloo Optometrists

Welcome to the office of Waterloo West Optometry. Our office is located in the heart of the Laurelwood and Beechwood areas in Waterloo, Ontario. We are a short distance from the University of Waterloo and several of our doctors have been involved in teaching at Waterloo's School of Optometry, in addition to their patient care. We strongly feel that clinical excellence is the foundation of a successful practice and a strong, vibrant profession. As Doctor's of Optometry, it is critical to maintain and enhance our clinical skills and knowledge to better serve our patients and our community.

We are happy to inform you that all of our doctors and staff
are fully vaccinated and have had their booster.

About Eye Care

  1. Eye Diseases
  2. Eye Safety
  3. Designer Eyewear
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use +/- to change zoom level

Children's Vision

  1. At what age should children be examined?
  2. How do I prepare my child for their first eye examination?
  3. How often should I have my child's eyes checked?
Waterloo West Optometry
Accepting new patients
throughout Waterloo Region